neue OS Icons

If you want to download neue OS Icons then you are in the right place. Avoid the spammy "free" sites and click below to download neue OS Icons directly from Fontspring, the best place to get all the fonts you need, worry-free!

Download neue OS Icons Now

What is the neue OS Icons Font?

neue OS Icons is a font to personalise app icons on your iPhone. The family of six weights enables you to style your iPhone screen in multiple ways: as a collection of stylised icons in outlined and filled variants or as a purely typographic setting with one or two letter icons. And if you want to crank up to eleven superimpose a grid onto each icon. Caution though: Nerd alert!. The neue OS Icons was designed in a similar fashion as neue UXUI Icons. Unobtrusive and elegant in appearance with legibility and distinctiveness in mind. neue OS Icons covers all 26 Apple categories from entertainment, social networking to navigation and many more. You have the choice between two and ten different icons for each category in order to make your iPhone truly unique and personal.. To do so just download our Adobe Illustrator template which features all 260 stylised icons, 144 one-letter icons and 100 two-letter icons. Export as PNG and start personalising your iPhone. Not sure how? Watch our short YouTube video that walks you through all steps.. A picture is worth a thousand words. To spare you the thousand words we’ve created a PDF that showcases all available neue OS Icons with their names and categories. This is especially handy if you want to use typographic symbols.

neue OS Icons Font Families

When you download neue OS Icons, the family will include the following font styles:

Preview of the neue OS Icons Font

If you want to see more previews for the neue OS Icons font, click here to use your own preview text.

Who Designed the neue OS Icons Font?

neue OS Icons was designed by Alexandra Schwarzwald.

This font has 6 style(s) and was published by Neue.

Is neue OS Icons a Free Download?

Like all of the fonts listed here on The Font Bot, neue OS Icons is a premium font and is not available to download for free.

Please do not try to find a free download of neue OS Icons. If you really want this font for your new project, support the designer and the foundry and click here to purchase it officially.

I'm sure if you tried really hard, you could figure out how to download neue OS Icons for free. You might also get a virus on your computer or get hacked as a result. Not to mention it is illegal to use neue OS Icons if you did not pay for it.

How Much is neue OS Icons to Buy?

If you've made it this far down the page and you are really interested to use neue OS Icons for your new project, great!

The last time we checked the price for neue OS Icons, it was available for as little as $15.00.

If you want to download neue OS Icons then you are in the right place. Avoid the spammy "free" sites and click below to download neue OS Icons directly from Fontspring, the best place to get all the fonts you need, worry-free!

Download neue OS Icons Now