
If you want to download Fleete then you are in the right place. Avoid the spammy "free" sites and click below to download Fleete directly from Fontspring, the best place to get all the fonts you need, worry-free!

Download Fleete Now

What is the Fleete Font?

Fleete is a modern homage to the many late 19th century typefaces; often used for book titles, posters and newspaper headlines; which have an extreme contrast between hairline horizontal stems and serifs and heavy vertical stems.  Greater Albion Typefounders have taken this basic idea, to be found across very many faces of the period and used just that one concept as the basis of a new typeface design, which manages to be elegant yet modern all at once.  IF you need something for section heading which stand out from body text, this is the font family for you.  If you need headings on a poster or large scale web-page headings, this is the face you should try.  If you need several weights of heading-no problem; Fleete comes in Regular, Bold and Shadowed, as well as a newly designed Sans Serif form.

Fleete Font Families

When you download Fleete, the family will include the following font styles:

Preview of the Fleete Font

If you want to see more previews for the Fleete font, click here to use your own preview text.

Who Designed the Fleete Font?

This font has 4 style(s) and was published by Greater Albion Typefounders.

Is Fleete a Free Download?

Like all of the fonts listed here on The Font Bot, Fleete is a premium font and is not available to download for free.

Please do not try to find a free download of Fleete. If you really want this font for your new project, support the designer and the foundry and click here to purchase it officially.

I'm sure if you tried really hard, you could figure out how to download Fleete for free. You might also get a virus on your computer or get hacked as a result. Not to mention it is illegal to use Fleete if you did not pay for it.

How Much is Fleete to Buy?

If you've made it this far down the page and you are really interested to use Fleete for your new project, great!

The last time we checked the price for Fleete, it was available for as little as $5.95.

If you want to download Fleete then you are in the right place. Avoid the spammy "free" sites and click below to download Fleete directly from Fontspring, the best place to get all the fonts you need, worry-free!

Download Fleete Now